Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Duke street studio

Response to Duke Studios visit

Duke Studios is a creative space offering a photography studio, wood workshop, offices, creative courses and meeting rooms for like minded artists. It opened early 2012 and is run by a photographer and designer. It is an open plan space for people to come together and work on their art and to collaborate with each other. A business can be run from there or you can hire out rooms on an hourly or daily basis at competitive rates.
On our visit to Duke Studios it wasn’t quite yet finished, there was still a lot of work to do. Although what was already up and running seemed to be a great an idea and working very well. There was a lot of different people with a varied range of businesses working in the offices. The office space themselves were made from cardboard with big plastic windows so that no one can be shut away. This idea is to keep everyone together and create exciting new projects with each other using different forms of art and talent. I think the key aspect of this space is that anything can be done from there and the two people that run it have both done different things and between them they can offer help and guidance.

duke of deck chairs

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