Saturday, 25 May 2013

Bradford Visit - Impressions Gallery

We visited the Impressions gallery in Bradford and looked at the Liquid Land: Legacies of Oil and Power exhibition by Rena Effendi. The images were about the Chernobyl disaster and shows the aftermath of the nuclear disaster and the women that went back to live there where the food still contains dangerous levels of radiation. Other images show communities living amongst oil spills in Azerbaijan where Effendi was born.

I really liked the exhibition as you could see the devastation of what the radiation did and she captured the sadness in the ladies eyes. It was quite sad to look at to see the people living in those conditions. The oil spills were also very sad to look at as you see the small children living in such ruin and the pictures of the oil in the sea were very powerful. I like documentary work and this exhibition was like a report in the news of what was happening in those places.


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