Monday, 27 May 2013

Conclusion of first year blogging

Conclusion of blog.

Looking back on my blog and seeing the places I have visited and the work I have seen it is a good way off remembering and an easy way to view past images. All the exhibitions have been very informative on different styles of photography and give me something to think about in terms of where I want to go from here into next year. It’s good to go to galleries to see the work displayed on a wall rather than in a book sometimes as you get a different kind of feeling from it.

After finishing a year of blogging I don’t think it is something that I would like to carry on doing. Although it is a way of getting your work seen it is not something that I have found easy to get in to, probably just because I never blogged before and am not very used to it. I may try it again in the future and see if I can get into the habit of doing it.

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