Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Flash Fiction 1 day brief

We were set a 1 day brief to pick out a random a short story, then we had to go out and take pictures to try and tell that story. I chose "In the flesh".

 In the flesh

It was in a café that we eventually met. All those hastily scribbled notes between strangers and now she was here. In the flesh.

She was sipping coffee as I approached. She looked up, eyes unreadable. I told her who I was. She nodded, gesturing to the chair beside her.
I went out and decided that my setting would be in a coffee shop so I went to Starbucks. I shot all my image there some inside and some out. Then I went back to Uni to edit them and choose my final shots.  I showed my images to the group and I think they were understood well and that each image told the story.
I enjoyed the 1 day brief and would like to try doing more like this as it made me think faster without delaying my ideas and trying to come up with something else. As I think sometimes you can overthink ideas instead of going with your first thought.


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